Creating Sacred Space

Creating Sacred Space

Creating Sacred Space

Living awake, your higher consciousness is calling you to delve deeper into all of who you are and it is time to make space for your sacred work.  

Creating a space to do this, is so beautifully unique for each of us and how you go about it or what it looks like makes no difference, the only thing that matters is listening to your inner knowing and actively doing the work.

Somewhere quiet, where you feel safe in your private sanctuary is ideal to create your alter for regular spiritual practice.  

The Ancients did this so well and the art of sacred ritual is something that you most certainly can master in your own home or garden or whatever space that is conducive to journeying inward. 

By wrapping ritual and sacredness around you and your soul’s work will only enhance the energetic and vibrational resonance of your wider environment and of course the universe.

When we regularly feed our soul, all of those around us, our loved ones benefit too, raising the vibration for all.

It is important that you claim, your sacred time, because realistically, no-one is going to just hand it to you on a platter and invite you to indulge.   There is no-one better than you and no one more qualified than you to know what your soul honestly needs in order to set aside delicious moments in time to nurture your relationship with self. 

Creating is the fun part of the journey and when we truly ask ourselves what could our sacred space look, feel, smell, like, the options are limitless.   A comfy chair/cushion with a small table and a white candle is ideal, and this can evolve over time to a whole room or garden space dedicated solely to you?  You are so worth it!

Add items to your sacred space that are meaningful to you, as little or as much as you need to focus on the sacredness of YOU.   Pictures of loved ones, inspiring gifts, deities, angels, crystals, flowers or any memento that is special to you can be placed on your alter.  Sometimes, less is more, and portable alters are most useful if you travel regularly.

When you set out on your divine spiritual task, you immediately sense the tingles of empowerment gently nudging you forth as you reclaim your sacred self-care and path to authenticity.

As you manifest your sacred space, the universe responds by sending signs and symbols that will present themselves to you, in validation of your courageous steps forward.  Make sure you pay attention and observe mindfully, always giving thanks for the divinely timed and inspired messages.

Once you have set your sacred scene, there is so much you can achieve here, however remembering that peace and stillness is the aim and before we can successfully journey inwards, relaxation is the key.

Lighting a candle and coming home to your breath and your heart, is a beautiful place to begin.

Sitting comfortably with your spine straight, place one hand on your heart chakra in the centre of your chest and the other hand on your solar plexus chakra just above your naval area, and breathe.  A few long slow deep breaths, in and out, will assist you to centre and ground yourself in the moment.

From here on in, you will find a method that best works for you.   You might like to focus on our Chakra Affirmations, or complete a guided meditation, draw an oracle card for daily guidance, journal your thoughts, pray, choose a mantra, play calming music or simply sit in stillness and silence.  If you are time limited, use a gentle alarm to bring you back to wakefulness when you need to.  End your sacred session by blowing out the candle.

Be kind to yourself and fully immerse in this sacred time to get to know you, better than ever before.

Be aware, this practice is highly transformative and should be used as much as humanly possible to become the best version of YOU.

Listen and trust your inner voice, as your spiritual esteem soars.

Kimley x

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Spiritual Energy Clearing

Spiritual Energy Clearing

Spiritual Energy Clearing

Spiritual Energy Clearing can be completed at anytime

Spiritual Energy Clearing is an ancient spiritual practice that removes stagnant, negative or chaotic energy from a space that you frequent. Places such as your home, healing space, garden or office. When these spaces are spiritually cleared, it makes way for and allows positive energy to flow freely into your space.

When a home is filled with love and harmony it becomes a place of peace and renewal. Just as a home and its occupants benefit from being physically clean, your space also benefits from being spiritually clean. A spiritual energy clearing of your space can be done by YOU at any time. Particularly when you notice feelings of negativity or heaviness including stale or stagnant energies present in your environment.

Spiritual energy clearing is also beneficial when you need a change in your life or after illness or injury, death, arguments, difficult guests, relationship transitions, negative incidents, a robbery, when you are selling your house, moving into a new house or when you are feeling low, tired or drained. Negative energy can literally make you ill, especially if you are exposed to it regularly.

Everything is energy, including our thoughts, words and actions.

Energetically, everything that happens in a frequented space such as thoughts, actions or emotions can be held there. Arguments, upsets, illness, chaos, heaviness, negativity, traumas and other unsettling energies can linger and disturb the harmonious balance of your space. The Spiritual Energy Clearing Ritual provides a clear guide on how to restore and bring about balance and peace into your sacred space.

Everything is energy, our thoughts, our words and our actions, so have fun while remaining respectful of the ancient ritual of clearing energy. Nurture and clear your sacred space regularly and enjoy ongoing spiritual esteem and positive abundance.

Our Spiritual Energy Clearing Ritual below has been developed by our team at Living Awake, to provide practical and helpful guidance. Our ritual has been successfully adapted by many people who want to shift, move and clear unwanted energies from their environment.

Spiritual Energy Clearing Ritual

Opening Affirmation

I call on Divine Universal Energy and all of those who love me unconditionally in their truest form to assist me now to spiritually clear unwanted energy from my sacred space.

My intent is to clear ALL negative and low vibrational energy from this space..

Continue REPEATING YOUR INTENT (out loud is best) as you move around your sacred space using your Spiritual Energy Cleansing Tool/s of choice.

Starting at your entrance, ensuring windows are open and mindfully walk around every room in your home/space. Paying particular attention to the corners, behind doors and inside cupboards or where the energy feels the heaviest.

Be confident, this is your space. Trust your intuition. Finish the spiritual energy clearing at your back door or at the rear of your space

White Light Protection Affirmation

I call on the White Light to completely fill my cleared space with Divine White Light Energy for Love, Healing and Protection. For the highest good of all.

Important Note:  Once your space is cleared, you have created a void so it is very important to immediately fill the void with Divine White Light.

Closing Affirmation

I INVITE into my sacred space a positive flow of energy.I INVITE into my sacred space balanced energy, harmony, peace and love, for the highest good of all.I THANK YOU for your Divine Support and Unconditional Love.

Important Note:  Always complete the full process. Clearing unwanted energy makes way for new flow and abundance. Trust your intuition and be aware of energy shifting as you find your way with the process. Feel free to adapt your own language to personalize and enhance your spiritual energy clearing practice.

Kimley Allen

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