Finding peace within the chaos

Finding peace within the chaos

Finding peace within the chaos

There is no denying that we are experiencing surmountable challenges at this time, with the goal posts changing daily, while we each navigate our own personal and professional circumstances.  

We need to remember that we don’t need anybody’s permission to do something that will make our world a little lighter and brighter.  Stand firm in your truth, follow your heart and your intuition, unleash your god given gifts from the core of your spirit, with no fear only love.

At any given moment, only you know, how you truly feel, and only you know what is right for you, always trust your internal compass, your heart and your intuition, they will never fail you.

If your heart is heavy and every cell in your body is uneasy, your throat is blocked as you struggle to find the right words or you’re done with the for and against narrative or there is a raging volcano inside, on the edge of eruption.

Without judgement, trust the emotions you are feeling right now, they are real.  Everything you are feeling is valid, allow yourself to feel them, sit in them, for a short time and then release them and let them go.  You can do this is over and over, to help counteract, the fear, the rage, the anger, the confusion, or whatever feelings come up for you, just keep doing the work on self, otherwise you risk becoming stuck in the grey thick sludge of unresolved feelings. 

Give yourself permission to practice the pause, press your pause button, put yourself on PAUSE … take a long slow deep breath … and a BIG energetic step backwards and come home to your heart centre.  

Focus on all the things that bring love, lightness and balance to your life, right now.  Find your creative spark and connect to the people who love and support you, or try something different and reach out to someone new.  Only allow into your energy field, those who will lend a kind ear, give you support and encouragement and with whom you resonate with on a similar energetic level.

It is true, there are limitations and restrictions we are all facing, however, the only real limitations are those we put on ourselves, when we go against our innate internal compass.

When you choose to expend your energy on what truly matters, the heaviness in your heart will dissipate allowing peace to flow in.  When we enact all the best parts of our divine selves, the obstacles merely fade away, it is then, we realise that we are indeed, our own biggest obstacle.

We are all doing the best we can, so with loving kindness, PAUSE, find compassion for yourself and allow space and time to rest, to relax, to step back and release the emotions and repeat whenever you need to. Pausing gives you the moment to stop and to take a deep breath, allowing precious chunks of time, as much as you need, and then you can choose to respond, rather than react. 

When you don’t know how to feel or what to do and you flip from the nurturer to needing to be nurtured and then sometimes we are courageous and sometimes we erupt and other times we need to retreat and observe from afar.  It is okay to feel all of these things.  Take a deep breath, step back and pause.  In times of chaos and uncertainty, it is essential to claim this time and allow a moment or two or three to find the peace within.

Peace, is that magical place within, where we dwell in safety and sacredness, where we patiently observe, where we sit in majesty and in gratitude, for all that is.

Find your pathway to peace, and you will find sanctuary in the chaos.

In light, love and infinite joy.

Kimley xXx

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Spiritual Sovereignty

Spiritual Sovereignty

Spiritual Sovereignty

Beautiful souls, there is REAL Spiritual Warfare underway!

What does it mean to be spiritually sovereign, especially now in these polarizing times amidst a global crisis and pandemic of fear?

I have been closely observing the increasing upheaval on the energetic front and how it is impacting deeply within my own psyche, my family and community. Moment after moment our world leaders are broadcasting a tsunami of statistics, demands, restrictions and orders that directly impact on our civil liberties and our human rights. My mother 73 who is in lockdown in Melbourne says, “I am a prisoner in my own home, I am afraid but enough is enough!”

Tidal waves of relentless programming crash down through mass media sources into the ether, seeping down into our personal energy fields. I stay informed from a safe distance, but it is literally hurting my ears and my head, as I struggle to digest lumps of intel, that quite frankly just do not add up, for me or anyone of sound mind. I liken the feeling to an irritating endless mind ache, with nauseating gastric discomfort, with lots of gurgling and unpleasantries. This is a real side effect I am experiencing due to our current global vibe, and I know that I am not alone here. Many have shared with me the significant toll the fear mongering is taking on them and their families and of course there will be many hidden side effects devastating the population that will far surpass the reach of any man made virus. On a brighter note, those asleep are waking up en masse. Given we are living in the Age of Information; ignorance is indeed a choice.

It’s been a tough slog to remain focused and positive during this time, practicing mindfulness and presence to stay grounded so as not to get lost down the endless rabbit hole. Phasing in and out of cognitive dissonance, as the despicable atrocities are revealed and the spotlight shines brightly on the shadow side of humanity. It is normal to have moments of low energy, anxiety, negativity and complete exhaustion which requires a full disconnect at times. Nevertheless, we must soldier on and endure, “this” and I’m not sure if it’s a thing yet but it could be termed “Plandemic Fatigue”.

Open your throat chakra, it is time to Speak UP!

So what can we do about it, when we are stuck between a rock and a hard place, as innocent bystanders, amidst an energetic battlefield, as the global warfare between Service to Others (Light) and Service to Self (Dark) forces battle it out. I personally, refuse to become collateral damage, muzzled and silenced or injected. So with discernment, trust and faith in the highest good of humanity, we can declare our sovereignty, we can speak up. Even if our voice quivers, even if you only do this from the comfort of your home. Open that throat chakra, it is time to speak UP!

In these unprecedented times, the most empowering thing we can do is exercise our Free Will, simply by declaring our sovereignty, each and every one of us can make a difference. Leading the way, are millions of aware and awake spiritual warriors and all it takes is a shift in mindset equals a SHIFT in CONSCIOUSNESS by exercising your FREE WILL. A simple nudge from fear to LOVE elevates humanity from bondage and darkness to a place of Truth, Loving Kindness and Peace.

The Global crisis is about Truth and Freedom Vs Tyranny!

There are many Declarations of Sovereignty available, I encourage you to search for one that resonates with you, better still make your own, this is a simple version:

I am a sovereign human being of planet earth

I do not consent to anything that does not serve my highest good

I exercise my Free Will from this moment forward

I am a Lightworker and of Service to Others

For the highest good of humanity

With Love and Gratitude

In Light and Truth

Upon declaring these words out loud, in my daily sacred practice, I am able to release the energetic burden and “Plandemic Fatigue” symptoms I am experiencing and more importantly, it feels right and good! As well as continuing daily spiritual practices, such as meditation, yoga and Reiki and a complete unplug from mainstream media, has been of enormous value to me through these unchartered waters. 

Thrive in your divine light, with resilience and fortitude, be a positive role model in your soul collective, be proactive, hopeful and purposeful, compassionate and kind. Trust that all will be revealed in the perfect way and the perfect time. We did choose to be here NOW! Connect with like-minded souls as often as you can, we are never alone and we are in this together.

This global crisis is about truth and Freedom Vs Tyranny!

You are so loved and humanity needs you!

Stay strong, be patient, remember joy, be true and shine your Light.

Remain calm, ride the waves, this too shall pass.

In Light and Truth

K xXx

ps. Please do your own research, research, research with discernment.

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Meditation is an Ancient Practice

Meditation is an Ancient Practice

Meditation is an Ancient Practice

The practice of meditation dates back 5000 years.

Meditation has been recorded in history for thousands of years dating back to ancient times. Indian artifacts reveal the existence of a meditation called, “Tantra” dating back 5000 years.

At any time where a person’s mind is either totally quiet or completely focused (without thought outside of one particular chosen stream,) meditation is being practiced. This can be achieved in a wide variety of ways and through a diverse range of meditation styles and techniques.

Dr. Herbert Benson, through his research at Harvard University in the early 1970’s, pioneered establishing the efficiency of meditation for overall health. Dr. Benson’s impeccable credentials and university affiliation, along with the world class quality of his work, led to the publication of breakthrough articles on Meditation.

Dr. Benson’s studies showed that meditation counteracts the effects of stress. Under stress, the nervous system activates the “fight‐or‐flight” response. The activity of the sympathetic portion of the nervous system increases, causing an increased heartbeat, increased respiratory rate, elevation of blood pressure, and an increase in oxygen consumption, along with many other physiological and psychological reactions.

This fight‐or‐flight response has an important survival function. It helps us to either run quickly to escape an attack or to fight off an attacker with a greater amount of speed and power than we usually possess in our normal relaxed state. But when it is activated repeatedly and for prolonged periods, as happens for many (if not most) people in modern societies, the effects are harmful and can be the cause of serious illness.

Meditation can be practiced anywhere and at anytime.

Due to the slowing down of the mental processes during Meditation, muscles relax and the body begins to function at a calmer and more natural level, this assists in relieving muscle pain, improves the function of the immune system and returns the entire body to its natural balance.

The best thing about meditation is that anyone can learn how to do it and it can be learned at almost any age. It can be practiced anywhere at any time, it is safe and it is free!

Meditation offers a completely drug free and natural way to greatly improve your overall health.

Most people choose to meditate to bring peace and serenity into their lives, to be one with their inner selves, to heal and to improve their mental, spiritual and physical health. Meditation techniques can differ greatly from one culture to another and different meditation techniques are suited to different personality types and different learning styles.

Some techniques are expansive and allow for the free flow of thoughts and the observation of the brain function, whereas some types are concentrative and involve bringing focus into the thoughts and others require the total absence of thought all together.

Very simply, we practice Meditation whenever we turn all of our intention and concentration to the task at hand. It is that moment when you say ‘don’t talk to me! I have to concentrate for a minute.’ In that moment you are not thinking about anything from the past, or planning the future or going over old conversations in your head. You are fully absorbed with what you are doing right then and there.

Incorporating meditation into our daily lives also teaches our minds to be centered and calm. It trains us to have control over our thinking and enables us to eliminate the chatter of thought that typically leads us into negative thinking.

The more we exercise control over our minds through meditation and choosing to reflect on the positive aspects of our lives, the faster the habit of thinking positively develops, in much the same way as a bicep muscle will develop and become stronger with regular weight lifting. When our minds are calm and quiet as a matter of normality and we are mostly focused on positive (grateful) thoughts our brains (and our bodies) are in better condition to cope with stressful situations, problems and unexpected situations when they do arise.

Meditation is excellent for stress management

With regular practice you will experience relaxation, increased awareness, mental focus, clarity and a sense of peace.  As your Meditation practice evolves, you become more aware and more sensitive to what is within you, facing unpleasant parts of yourself is sometimes part of Meditation. This added awareness and clarity can help you advance your spiritual growth and clear negative emotional patterns you are attached to. This can be a catalyst to positive changes in many areas of your life.

Kimley Allen

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Understanding Sacred Chakras

Understanding Sacred Chakras

Understanding Sacred Chakras

Chakras are energy centres within the human body.

“Chakra” is a Sanskrit word and translates to “wheels of light” and originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC (The Vedas, earliest Sanskrit literary records).

When taking the courageous journey within, we begin to understand, or maybe we already know, that everything is in fact energy.

Our interior energy landscape is it’s own brilliant hub of wisdom.  The seven main chakras each corresponding to a colour, specific organs, as well as physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states of being.

Bringing awareness and intention to each of the seven chakra energy centres, will develop a balanced existence and significantly enhance overall wellness.

Personal chakra awareness creates linkages back to the physical, emotional, psychological and environmental factors and in turn increases understanding of your spirituality and the deeper meaning of life.  Every aspect of your life is interconnected and woven into your soul story.

A comfortable place to begin chakra awareness is to identify your seven main energy centres.  By bringing awareness to their presence, we bring energy to them and start a subtle healing and alignment process.  Where intention goes energy flows.

Affirmations are statements made by the conscious mind

Bringing awareness to groundedness, abundance, strength, love, truth, awakeness and connectedness is a channel to your human soul.

Affirmations are statements made by the conscious mind that are directed to the subconscious mind.  Affirmations are self empowering, self governed, free and always available to us.

A human being has an innate intelligence working harmoniously and seamlessly as a mind, body and spirit, in a fluid dance of peace of mind, awareness of body and purpose of spirit.

Our Chakra Affirmations are for you to add to your spiritual toolkit.

Repeat them with loving intent, as often as possible. 

Kimley Allen 

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Creating Sacred Space

Creating Sacred Space

Creating Sacred Space

Living awake, your higher consciousness is calling you to delve deeper into all of who you are and it is time to make space for your sacred work.  

Creating a space to do this, is so beautifully unique for each of us and how you go about it or what it looks like makes no difference, the only thing that matters is listening to your inner knowing and actively doing the work.

Somewhere quiet, where you feel safe in your private sanctuary is ideal to create your alter for regular spiritual practice.  

The Ancients did this so well and the art of sacred ritual is something that you most certainly can master in your own home or garden or whatever space that is conducive to journeying inward. 

By wrapping ritual and sacredness around you and your soul’s work will only enhance the energetic and vibrational resonance of your wider environment and of course the universe.

When we regularly feed our soul, all of those around us, our loved ones benefit too, raising the vibration for all.

It is important that you claim, your sacred time, because realistically, no-one is going to just hand it to you on a platter and invite you to indulge.   There is no-one better than you and no one more qualified than you to know what your soul honestly needs in order to set aside delicious moments in time to nurture your relationship with self. 

Creating is the fun part of the journey and when we truly ask ourselves what could our sacred space look, feel, smell, like, the options are limitless.   A comfy chair/cushion with a small table and a white candle is ideal, and this can evolve over time to a whole room or garden space dedicated solely to you?  You are so worth it!

Add items to your sacred space that are meaningful to you, as little or as much as you need to focus on the sacredness of YOU.   Pictures of loved ones, inspiring gifts, deities, angels, crystals, flowers or any memento that is special to you can be placed on your alter.  Sometimes, less is more, and portable alters are most useful if you travel regularly.

When you set out on your divine spiritual task, you immediately sense the tingles of empowerment gently nudging you forth as you reclaim your sacred self-care and path to authenticity.

As you manifest your sacred space, the universe responds by sending signs and symbols that will present themselves to you, in validation of your courageous steps forward.  Make sure you pay attention and observe mindfully, always giving thanks for the divinely timed and inspired messages.

Once you have set your sacred scene, there is so much you can achieve here, however remembering that peace and stillness is the aim and before we can successfully journey inwards, relaxation is the key.

Lighting a candle and coming home to your breath and your heart, is a beautiful place to begin.

Sitting comfortably with your spine straight, place one hand on your heart chakra in the centre of your chest and the other hand on your solar plexus chakra just above your naval area, and breathe.  A few long slow deep breaths, in and out, will assist you to centre and ground yourself in the moment.

From here on in, you will find a method that best works for you.   You might like to focus on our Chakra Affirmations, or complete a guided meditation, draw an oracle card for daily guidance, journal your thoughts, pray, choose a mantra, play calming music or simply sit in stillness and silence.  If you are time limited, use a gentle alarm to bring you back to wakefulness when you need to.  End your sacred session by blowing out the candle.

Be kind to yourself and fully immerse in this sacred time to get to know you, better than ever before.

Be aware, this practice is highly transformative and should be used as much as humanly possible to become the best version of YOU.

Listen and trust your inner voice, as your spiritual esteem soars.

Kimley x

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